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Inscription : 29 mai 2011, 10:50

VIVISECT - Barbaric death Tape out now!

02 sept. 2022, 20:25

VIVISECT - Barbaric death Tape out now!

Filthy and morbid death metal from New Jersey, Usa.
Four songs gathered on a pro tape to exhume the 90’s putridity.


Listen: https://youtu.be/O5qc7u0SAEk

Limited to 200 pro pressed tapes, released by NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST.




NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine: http://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr

MORE THAN SOUNDS Blogzine: https://morethansoundszine.blogspot.fr
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Messages : 803
Inscription : 29 mai 2011, 10:50

Re: VIVISECT - Barbaric death Tape out now!

03 sept. 2022, 08:05

NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine: http://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr

MORE THAN SOUNDS Blogzine: https://morethansoundszine.blogspot.fr
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Messages : 803
Inscription : 29 mai 2011, 10:50

Re: VIVISECT - Barbaric death Tape out now!

15 sept. 2022, 19:10

Des exemplaires de la cassette de VIVISECT sont disponibles, ou le seront bientôt chez :

NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine: http://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr

MORE THAN SOUNDS Blogzine: https://morethansoundszine.blogspot.fr
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Messages : 803
Inscription : 29 mai 2011, 10:50

Re: VIVISECT - Barbaric death Tape out now!

20 sept. 2022, 17:36

The first reviews of the VIVISECT tape were published !
NEW NOISE Magazine:
Vivisect are an old-fashioned death metal band from New Jersey.
They put out a new cassette earlier this year called Barbaric Death, and boy is it some down and dirty death metal with one hell of a strong rhythm section. With surprisingly long songs for a death metal band, the cassette rips through four tracks with the force of a category four hurricane.
Between the growling vocals, the furious chord pounding, and the killer guitar solos, it’s everything you love about classic death metal condensed into a four-track EP. The highlight of the cassette comes in the finale, “Extraterrestrial Proliferations,” which changes up tempos constantly to create a sense of barely bridled chaos.

E' fondamentalmente un'opera di "recupero" quella eseguita da Nihilistic Holocaust, che ha lanciato in formato cassetta questa raccolta intitolata "Barbaric Death", dei deathsters del New Jersey Vivisect. Nella fattispecie, sono presenti quattro pezzi in questa uscita: il singolo d'esordio "Prison Planet", seguiti da "Order of the Solar Temple" e "Rat Torture" presenti sia nel demo "Fuming Death" che nell'EP "Vivisect", ed infine "Extraterrestrial Proliferations" dallo split con Oxalate, Perpetuated e Blood Spore. Ma cos'è che abbiamo per le mani con questo "Barbaric Death"? Né più né meno che del più che discreto Death Metal sporco e grezzo che sembra uscire da uno di quei lavori dei 90's, con gli Autopsy come influenza assolutamente primaria. E quindi: vocione sporco e cavernoso, chitarre che rilasciano una colata lavica di riff ed una sezione ritmica che scandisce questo viaggio fatto di feroci accelerate e pesantissimi rallentamenti.
Già solo a cominciare dal formato potrete capire come qui non troverete assolutamente nulla di moderno: solo ed esclusivamente una ventina di minuti di mazzate tra capo e collo, e con una produzione che ha volutamente il sapore del DIY. Magari "Barbaric Death" è un'uscita prettamente per i collezionisti, ma è anche un buon modo a nostro avviso per conoscere un nome nuovo di cui potremmo sentir parlare in futuro.

You can still get a copy from these links:

Don’t be late, the tape is limited to 200 copies and I’m close to 50% gone.
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine: http://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr

MORE THAN SOUNDS Blogzine: https://morethansoundszine.blogspot.fr
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Messages : 803
Inscription : 29 mai 2011, 10:50

Re: VIVISECT - Barbaric death Tape out now!

23 oct. 2022, 08:56

A new review of the VIVISECT Tape was published on VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE Webzine!

VIVISECT from New Jersey, USA was formed back in 2019 and since then, never stop reminding us about their filthy and putrid Death Metal. The formula of these New Jersey Death Metallers is quite simple which will remind anyone of the dirty and gnarliest essence of the 90s. And that is, mind possessing riffs and controlled blasts. Not too simple, not too technical – ‘just right the amount’ to keep anyone interested. “Barbaric Death” which is their newest compilation release contains four songs: the debut single ‘Prison Planet’, followed by ‘Order Of The Solar Temple’ and ‘Rat Torture’, both from the debut demo “Fuming Death” and in the EP “Vivisect”, and finally ‘Extraterrestrial Proliferations’ from their split with OXALATE, PERPETUATED and BLOOD SPORE. Although having surprisingly long songs for a Death Metal band, the cavernous vocals, tempting tempo variations and swiping guitar solos will give you twenty minutes of a trip into down and dirty Death Metal. Also each song structure with accelerations and slowdowns assuredly hints at their primary influences and should bring a smirk to any AUTOPSY fanatics. The crude production also did its parts to uphold the barbaric atmosphere it demands. Limited to 200 pro-pressed tapes and now released by Nihilistic Holocaust, this compilation will help to spread the name of VIVISECT that we might hear more often in the future.
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine: http://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr

MORE THAN SOUNDS Blogzine: https://morethansoundszine.blogspot.fr
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Messages : 803
Inscription : 29 mai 2011, 10:50

Re: VIVISECT - Barbaric death Tape out now!

27 août 2023, 13:15

La tape de VIVISECT a atteint les tous derniers exemplaires,
si vous en voulez une, c’est le moment…
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine: http://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr

MORE THAN SOUNDS Blogzine: https://morethansoundszine.blogspot.fr
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Sujet Auteur
Messages : 803
Inscription : 29 mai 2011, 10:50

Re: VIVISECT - Barbaric death Tape out now!

24 mars 2024, 10:48

The VIVISECT tape is sold out !
Thanks to those who bought or traded some copies.

I have copies of other releases left, so get in touch if you want one,
or if you’re into trading.

NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine: http://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr

MORE THAN SOUNDS Blogzine: https://morethansoundszine.blogspot.fr

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